Hi, I’m Penny

I am an empty nester dog mom. After losing my job at the age where you are not ready to retire, but no longer wanted in today’s job market, I decided to pursue my true interests. As a grandmother of two young, precious, perfect little people; health and wellness has become a primary interest of mine. Particularly regenerative treatments. My three main criteria are non-invasive treatments, affordability, and ease of use.

Early on

I am a Certified Fraud Examiner and spent 15 years investigating financial theft. Most of that time was spent traveling all over the country. Crossing time zones on a weekly basis and the general stress of air travel left me constantly exhausted and with depleted reserves.


Fascination with natural remedies coupled with an interest in regenerative treatment has led me on my journey to finding innovative ways to restore my energy and vitality.

I look forward to helping you on your journey to restoring your vitality.

Contact me: [email protected]